
Software by Birch Browning

About eMirror

eMirror is a web application designed to assist researchers in obtaining quantitative time use and sequence data from video episodes. Researchers can design custom observation templates, thereby designating the behavior to be observed, quantified and timed. Research on the use of eMirror also indicates that preservice teachers, specifically music education students, can significantly modify their own instructional behaviors through the use of targeted self-observation.

eMirror has been in use on MacOS since 2005. Version 2.0 for the web is in beta stage and testing will continue during the 2020-21 academic year.

eMirror 2.0

eMirror 2.0 has been rebuilt from scratch using javascript, Vue.js, and the Quasar web development framework. It runs on any web-based device, and is securely hosted on Google Cloud Platform. The video to the left is of time matrix component as of January 18, 2020. Since then, many additional components have been added. Be sure to click 'full screen' for the best view.

Complete documentation and additional screenshots can be accessed at docs.emirror.app